About us

CookieHub is a company that offers tools and services for managing cookies and online privacy. The company’s mission is to help website owners and publishers comply with privacy regulations and protect their visitors’ personal data.


CookieHub offers a range of products and services, including a cookie consent banner and a cookie audit tool. These tools help website owners and publishers to meet their legal obligations, such as obtaining consent from visitors for the use of cookies, and to provide transparent and easily accessible information about their cookie policies. 

CookieHub was founded in 2018 and is based in Iceland. The team at CookieHub is dedicated to providing high-quality tools and services that make it easy for website owners and publishers to comply with privacy regulations and protect their visitors’ personal data.

The company values innovation, transparency, and customer service, and is committed to helping its customers succeed online. 

Company Information

Postal address:
CookieHub ehf.
Hafnargata 55 
230 Reykjanesbær 

Registration number:
680121 1090

VAT number:

It’s easy to be compliant with CookieHub

Sign up today and create a custom cookie banner for your website