CCPA cookie compliance

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

CookieHub makes CCPA compliance easy through a fully customizable and feature-rich tool. From CCPA “do not sell” buttons to cookie banners, you no longer have to worry about your business being put at risk. If you want to learn the essentials of CCPA requirements, check out the short and comprehensive guide below:

CCPA compliance

What is CCPA?

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a data privacy law that outlines new standards for data collection – regulating how businesses are allowed to handle the personal information (PI) of California consumers and the rights that the latter can exercise over their data.

What are the CCPA requirements?

Why are cookies important for CCPA compliance?

Cookies may be mentioned only once in the CCPA but are still highly relevant and put your business at risk. Cookies are common techniques used for collecting and tracking sensitive data that is further sold or made available for third parties.

Who does CCPA apply to?

CCPA applies to any business that is “organized or operated for the profit or financial benefit of their shareholders” and sells the PI of more than 50,000 California residents per year, have a gross revenue that exceeds $25M or derives more than 50% of its revenue from selling the PI of California residents.

What does CCPA imply for my website?

If your website has an online domain and meets any of the CCPA thresholds mentioned above, you must implement certain features:

How CookieHub Helps You Meet This Requirement:

When the CookieHub solution is implemented, it will provide your visitors with easy access to the categories of personal information that would be collected/sold, the third parties that would gain access to it, and the purpose of collection.

How CookieHub Helps You Meet This Requirement:

CookieHub has a CCPA Out-Out feature that allows visitors to exercise their rights to forbid website owners from disclosing or selling their personal information to third parties.

Comply with CCPA cookie privacy laws

CookieHub helps you protect your users privacy in California by complying to strict cookie consent laws.

Explore pricing plans

CookieHub is a subscription service that offers flexible pricing plans to suit the needs of websites of all sizes. Find the plan that works for you.

Try CookieHub today for free.