How to check your website’s compliance quickly & easily

How to check your website’s compliance quickly & easily

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CookieHub’s free compliance checker helps keep you GDRP and CCPA compliant

In the battle to remain compliant with the constantly shifting global data privacy landscape, websites have a powerful new tool at their disposal. CookieHub, the leading Consent Management Platform, is offering a fast and free compliance check that provides websites with the inside track on every cookie they’re running. 

With CookieHub the consent platform of choice for over 20,000 websites and companies worldwide, it’s on a mission to help businesses stay compliant and avoid the legal storms and fines that lie in the shadows of data privacy. 

How to get a cookie check-up

In a bid to keep the cookie compliance process clean and simple, CookieHub has a dedicated cookie scanner that websites can use. Simply visit the CookieHub site, type your URL into the entry box, and hit enter. 

The company’s completely free scanning service will create a comprehensive list of every cookie currently in operation on your website as well as providing you with a detailed description of what each cookie does. 

With this detailed breakdown of your website’s cookies, you’ll be in a much better position to stay GDPR and CCPA compliant, which— at the expense of sounding dramatic—is something you really, REALLY need to be doing.

The cookie user’s guide to GDPR

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may be Europe’s framework of privacy laws, however, your website may need to comply with them even if your company isn’t based in Europe. With GDPR governing the use of personal data for anyone who lives in the European Union, if a US company, for instance, has any European customers, it has to collect and process their data in accordance with EU laws.

Considering that GDPR fines can be up to 20 million euros or 4% of a company’s total global turnover (whichever is higher), GDPR compliance is a serious issue. What’s more, with European governing bodies being particularly officious organizations, if you don’t meet their privacy standards, you’re going to know about it. 

For example, France’s data protection authority, the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) is responsible for governing GDPR in France and recently fined Google €150 million for violating their cookie privacy laws. 

How CookieHub can help

With cookies being one of the major concerns of GDPR, remaining compliant is a necessity that, unfortunately, can be a complex area to navigate. Certainly, there are many companies that unknowingly collect personal data via cookies that they don’t even realize their website is using.

It’s here that CookieHub’s compliance checker can make a real difference. By giving you an exact breakdown of every cookie your website is operating, we help you stay ahead of any compliance issues.   

More than this, CookieHub is ideally placed to help companies remain compliant in any number of ways. As a global leader in cookie consent and management solutions, we create comprehensive consent functionality for any website. From default opt-in consent tools and lawful integration with third-party tracking services to the creation of custom cookie categories and consent logs, we offer a complete cookie solution that not only keeps your website safe from the officious reach of GDPR but does so remarkably simply and cost-effectively. 

Beyond GDPR

If it were the case that global data privacy laws were all governed by GDPR then at least there’d be some consistency to cookie compliance. That isn’t the case, however. Unfortunately, data privacy laws vary from territory to territory, with failure to remain compliant resulting in fines and lawsuits in pretty much all of them (which is about the only consistent characteristic). 

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), for example, is a high-profile set of regulations that governs how websites handle the personal data of California residents. To this end, it has its own list of requirements such as cookie banners needing to contain a “Do not sell my personal information” button that allows visitors to refuse any third-party data sales. 

While this is fair enough, the point remains that the specific demands of CCPA compliance make cookie deployment a complicated thing to get right—and that’s before you even get into the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) or the Colorado and Virginia Consumer Data Protection Acts (CDPA). 

We could go on, but you get the picture—cookie compliance isn’t the simplest thing on the planet. 

The CookieHub Solution

With data privacy laws not getting any simpler—at least, not in the near future—staying cookie compliant is going to remain a troublesome concern for most businesses. 

However, by using a reputable consent management platform like CookieHub, companies and websites can face the ravages of the cookie compliance landscape with a great deal of ease and confidence. 

Most importantly, with the CookieHub widget installed on your site, it will automatically display the appropriate cookie consent form for the user’s country, providing them with all the information and options they need—and keeping you safe from compliance-themed horror stories.  

To get your free cookie scan and discover how CookieHub can help your company to stay compliant, you can visit us here.  

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